
The Secret Life Of A Book Blogger Tag

Hi everyone! 
I’ve found this tag around the blogging community. I can’t recall who I copied it. 🤦🏽‍♀️ sorry! But it seems like a great way to introduce yourselves to the community. So why not?

How long have you been blogging?

Ive been blogging for two years now. Wow it doesn’t seem long to be honest but I really enjoying it.

What is the best thing about blogging?

I love meeting book bloggers. This blogging community is a great way to recommend each other books and stay updated with news of authors and other events.

What is the worst thing? What can you do to make it okay?

The worst thing is having those days where you just can’t post anything. I can be busy and sometimes, let’s be honest, lazy. I feel less guilty by trying to like people’s posts and commenting it. At least it shows that I’m still active. Also tweeting makes it better for me as well.

How long does it make/take you to find pictures?

It doesn’t take much.  Maybe 20 minutes or less. I tend to use WEHEARTIT

What is your book crush?

Honestly I don’t have a book crush. I’m a realistic girl you know 💁🏽‍♀️ Lol

What author would you like to guest on your blog?

Definitely Stephen King. But I wouldn’t mind Ruth Ware, Madeline Miller, Taylor Jenkins Reid, and or Colleen Hoover.

What do you wear when you write blog posts?

I tend to write my posts during the evening so I would most likely be wearing my leggings and a T-shirt with a cardigan lol. Or sometimes my pjs.

How long does it take to prepare?

It takes maybe 20 minutes to prepare and then half an hour to finish a post. Time flies by fast when your in the zone.

Well that’s it. I hope some of you can relate when it comes to a book blogger such as myself lol. Feel free to do this tag because I enjoy reading everyone’s way of blogging. Happy reading everyone!

*image taken from weheartit

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